Books to Read


from Reading Like a Writer: a guide for people who love books and for those who want to write them. (Harper Collins, 2006)

Akutagawa, Ryunosuke. M. Kuwata and Tashaki Kojima (translators), Rashomen and other stories

Alcott, Louisa May,  Little women

Anonymous.  Dorothy L Sayers (translator), The song of Roland

Austen, Jane,  Pride and prejudice

Austen, Jane,  Sense and sensibility

Babel, Isaac,  Walter Morrison (translator), The collected stories

Baldwin, James,  Vintage Baldwin

Balzac, Honore de.  Kathleen Raine (translator), Cousin Bette

Barthelme, Donald, Sixty stories

Baxter, Charles, Believers: a novella and stories

Beckett, Samuel,  The complete short prose, 1929-1989

Bowen, Elizabeth,  The house in Paris

Bowles, Jane,  Two serious ladies

Bowles, Paul,  Paul Bowles: collected stories and later writings

Brodkey, Harold, Stories in an almost classical mode

Bronte, Emily, Wuthering heights

Calvino, Italo, Cosmicomics

Carver, Raymond, Where I’m calling from: selected stories

Carver, Raymond, Cathedral

Cervantes, Miguel de.  Tobias Smollett (translator), Don Quixote

Chandler, Raymond, The big sleep

Cheever, John, The stories of John Cheever

Chekhov, Anton.  Constance Garnett (translator), Tales of Anton Chekhov: vol 1-13

Diaz, Junot.  Drown

Dickens, Charles Bleak house

Dickens, Charles, Dombrey and son

Dostoyevsky, Fydor.  Constance Garnett (translator), Crime and punishment

Dybek, Stuart, I sailed with Magellan

Eisenberg, Deborah, The stories (so far) of Deborah Eisenberg

Eliot, George, Middlemarch

Elkin, Stanley, Searches and seizures

Fitzgerald, F.Scott, The great Gatsby

Fitzgerald, F.Scott, Tender is the night

Flaubert, Gustave.  Geoffrey Wall (translator), Madame Bovary

Flaubert, Gustave.  Robert Baldick (translator), A sentimental education

Fox, Paula.  Jonathan Franzen (introduction), Desperate characters

Franzen, Jonathan, The corrections

Gallant, Mavis, Paris stories

Gaddis, William, The recognitions

Gates, David, The wonders of the invisible world: stories

Gibbon, Edward, Decline and fall of the Roman empire

Gogol, Nikolai. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (translators), Dead Souls: a novel

Green, Harry, Doting

Green, Harry, Loving

Hartley, L. P., The go-between

Hemingway, Ernest, A moveable feast

Hemingway, Ernest, The sun also rises

Herbert, Zbigniew.  Czeslaw Milosz and Peter Dale Scott (translators),  Selected poems

James, Henry, The portrait of a lady

James, Henry, The turn of the screw

Jarrell, Randall, Pictures from an institution

Johnson, Denis, Angels

Johnson, Denis, Jesus’ son

Johnson, Diane, Le divorce

Johnson, Diane, Persian nights

Johnson, Samuel, The life of Savage

Joyce, James, Dubliners

Kafka, Franz.  Willa and Edmund (translators), The trial

Le Carre, John, A perfect spy

Mandelstam, Nadezdha, Hope against hope:  a memoir

Mansfield, Katherine, Collected stories of Katherine Mansfield

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia.  Gregory Rabassa (translator), One hundred years of solitude

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Gregory Rabassa (translator), The autumn of the patriarch

McInerney, Jan, Bright lights, big city

Melville, Herman, Bartleby the scrivener and Benito Cereno

Melville, Herman, Moby Dick

Milton, John, Paradise lost

Munro, Alice, Selected stories

Nabokov, Vladimir, Lectures on Russian literature

Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita

O’Brien, Tim, The things they carried

O’Connor, Flannery, A good man is hard to find and other stories

O’Connor, Flannery, Collected stories

O’Connor, Flannery, Wise Blood

Packer, ZZ, Drinking coffee elsewhere

Paustovsky, Konstantin. Joseph Bares (translator),  Years of hope: the story of a life

Price, Richard, Freedomland

Proust, Marcel.  Lydia Davis (translator), Swann’s way

Pynchon, Thomas, Gravity’s rainbow

Richardson, Samuel, Pamela: or virtue rewarded

Roth, Philip, Amercan pastoral

Roth, Philip, Philip Roth: novels and stories 1959-1962

Rulfo, Juan.  Margaret Sayers Peden (translator), Pedro Paramo

Salinger, J.D., Franny and Zooey

Shakespeare, William, King Lear

Shteyngart, Gary, The Russian debutante’s handbook

Sophocles.  Sir Goerge Young (translator), Oedipus Rex

Spencer, Scott, A ship made of paper

St. Aubyn, Edward, Mother’s milk

St. Aubyn, Edward, Some hope: a trilogy

Stead, Christina, The man who loved children

Steegmuller, Francis, Flaubert and Madame Bovary: a double portrait

Stein, Gertrude, The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Stendhal.  Roger Gard (translator), The red and the black

Stout, Rex, Plot it yourself

Strunk, William and E.B. White.  Maira Kalman (illustrator),

The elements of style, illustrated

Taylor, Peter, A summons to Memphis

Tolstaya, Tatyana, Sleepwalker in a fog

Tolstoy, Leo.  Constance Garnett (translator), Anna Karenina

Tolstoy, Leo.  Aylmer Maud (translator), The death of Ival Ilych and other stories

Tolstoy, Leo.  David McDuff (translator), The Kreutzer sonata and other stories

Tolstoy, Leo.  Rosemary Edmonds (translator), Resurrection

Tolstoy, Leo.  Constance Garnett (translator), War and peace

Trevor, William, The children of Dynmouth

Trevor, William, The collected stories

Trevor, William, Fools of fortune

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich.  Isaiah Berlin (translator), First love

Twain, Mark, The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Von Kleist, Heinrich.  Martin Greenberg (translator) and Thomas Mann (preface),

The Marquise of O__ and other stories

West, Rebecca, The birds fall down

West, Rebecca, Black lamb and grey falcon: a journey through Yugoslavia

Williams, Joy,  Escapes

Woods, James, Broken estate: essays on literature and belief

Woolf, Virginia, On being ill

Yates, Richard, Revolutionary road

P.S. by Mary Katherine Wainwright

Barth, John, The sot-weed factor

Bishop, Elizabeth, The complete poems

Bishop, Elizabeth, One art: letters

Bradbury, Ray, Dandelion wine; Fahrenheit 451

Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre

Dickens, Charles, A tale of two cities

Dickens, Charles, David Copperfield

Didion, Joan, Slouching towards Bethlehem

Ellison, Ralph, Invisible Man

Erdrich, Louise, Tracks

Faulkner, William, The sound and the fury

Forster, E. M. Howard’s End; Room with a view

Hanff, Helene, 84 Charring Cross Road

Hurston, Zora Neale, Their eyes were watching god

Joyce, James, Portrait of an artist as a young man

Milosz, Czeslaw, Collected poems

Morrison, Toni, Beloved; Jazz; Love; Song of Solomon; Tarbaby; The bluest eye; 


Oliver, Mary, At Blackwater pond; New and selected poems; White pines

Pynchon, Thomas, The crying of lot 49

Rilke, Ranier Maria. A. Poulin, Jr. (translator), Duino Elegies and The sonnets

 to Orpheus

Rilke, Ranier Maria.  M.D. Herter Norton (translator), Letters to a young poet

Salinger, J. D., The catcher in the rye

Shakespeare, William.  Everything!

Shelley, Mary.  Frankenstein

Smith, Dodie, I capture the castle

Tyler, Anne, Back when we were grownups and all others

Walker, Alice, In search of our mothers’ gardens

West, Nathanael, Miss Lonelyhearts

Wharton, Edith.  Age of innocence; House of mirth

Whitman, Walt.  Leaves of grass

Woolf, Virginia, A room of one’s own; Mrs. Dalloway; Three guineas